Abstract Guidelines



• Abstract must be submitted online.
• Abstract should not exceed 150 words.
• Abstract must be typed in English.
• Abstract content must meet the standards of scientific presentation and must be related to conference topics.
• The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
• Authors should be listed by First Name and Surname followed by initials.
• Standard abbreviations are acceptable. Uncommon abbreviations must be put in parenthesis and preceded by the full word the first time it appears in the text.
• Please proofread the abstract carefully for factual and spelling errors. The spelling of names, the order of authors and institution name will appear as submitted.
• The presenting author must also be a registered delegate for the conference.
• If the abstract has been selected for presentation the speaker automatically gives permission/authorization for the abstract and presentation to be published in the conference program and brochure (printed and electronic) or to any conference announcement.
• In case of difficulty, contact us at maged@menaree.com or maged@selemco.com


• January 01, 2020, 9:00 AM: Abstract submission site opens
• February 10, 2020, 5:00 PM: Abstract submission site closes. No abstract edits, author additions or changes to author information will be accepted after this deadline. 
• February 10, 2020, 9:00 AM: Notifications will be sent to presenting authors.
• Presentation deadline, February 28,  2020– 30 slides  Maximum

Abstract Submission

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